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Inspirational Bible Verses and Quotes – Search and Study

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Reading the Bible is fundamental to understanding God’s purpose for our lives. But we understand that you are looking for verses for specific topics and occasions.

For the above reason, we have decided to make this website so that you can find verses with specific themes.




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Psalms for all occasions

Psalms of Protection Psalms of Love Psalms of Praise Psalms of Strength
Psalms to Sleep Psalms of Healing Psalms of Hope Psalms of Worship
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Psalms to repent Psalms of joy Psalms of welcome Good morning psalms
Good Night Psalms Psalms of consolation Psalms of Happiness Psalms of Gratitude

Proverbs to bless

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Trust Proverbs Discipline proverbs Money proverbs Proverbs of success

Short Bible verses

Are you looking to read and memorize short Bible verses? Then you’ve come to the right place. We present a complete collection of verses from the Holy Scriptures that you can easily memorize.

Each of these short biblical texts covers several areas of our lives. You will be able to read verses related to love, friendship, communion, strength, among others.

The short verses are important for special occasions, especially when you are evangelizing. When you present the Word of God, you can have some short biblical texts prepared and present them to the person who is listening.

Each text is prepared for you to copy and paste or share on your favorite social network. Remember that all the resources you will find here are free and you can download them from any device.

Wallpaper Bible verses

We have a section of Christian resources from which you can download images and wallpapers for your mobile devices.

If you are looking for Bible verses for mobile wallpapers, here you will find different designs and sizes adaptable for you to download for free.

We also have biblical texts for PC wallpapers. Each Bible verse for wallpaper is free and you can download it immediately, without subscription or membership.

We have the best designs that we’re sure will bless you. Wear the best Christian backgrounds in the Bible and at the same time memorize texts that will be a blessing to your life.

Bible verses about life

The life of the believer is joyful, but it is true that it is also complicated. No one said that the gospel of Christ would be simple if everyone followed in its footsteps.

We understand that every day we need words to encourage us to keep going. That is why the Bible verses presented here will help you to strengthen your daily life.

Each text of the Holy Scriptures is written as it was translated from the ancient Hebrew. They are unaltered verses, highly verified so that not a single letter or meaning is misinterpreted.

We know very well that there will be times of joy and sadness, of peace and chaos, of complete healing, but also times when disease strikes. That is why each Bible verse has a unique objective: to be a guide for us to understand God’s purpose for our lives.

Bible verses about faith

What is a Christian without faith? As the Holy Scriptures say, without faith, it is impossible to please God. If the Bible teaches us anything, it is that God wants His children to keep their faith in spite of daily trials.

Throughout all the scriptures, we can see examples of faith, and in this sense, how not to remember Abraham, the father of faith. That man who decided to obey God and was willing to sacrifice his own son in order to prove his loyalty.

These verses of faith are also ideal for sharing. Sometimes we wake up with our spirits dropping to the ground, it is normal, not every day will be productive or positive. Whatever the reason, being able to read a verse of FAITH, or even share it with a friend in need of encouragement, will be rewarding.

Bible verses on friendship

A true friend is like a brother, and the Bible teaches us to choose good friendships and to be a loyal friend. Building a true friendship is complicated. There are differences in character and personality that are sometimes irreconcilable.

But that’s what it’s all about, tolerating each other. And the Bible teaches us how to be friends and brothers. In addition, we find in it a story that shows us both versions of friendship.

First of all, we find stories that tell us how a friendship ended in fighting and even war between nations. But it also shows us how a healthy friendship helped great men of God to achieve their goals.

In particular, these verses from the Bible of friendship serve as a guide for our lives. But you can also share with that special friend and dedicate a word to him that will encourage his heart.

Bible verse of the day

Without doubt, this section could not be missing, we have an extensive collection of Bible verses of the day. In other words, every day is renewed and you will find a word that builds your life.

Each verse has a random order, one day you might find a psalm, another day a proverb, in short, there are different verses that will strengthen your faith and encourage you to face the challenges of everyday life.

Definition of verses

Sometimes it happens that we read a verse of the Bible and we don’t understand it.  It is normal, each verse has a context that if not understood would not make sense when we first read it.

For that reason, we will try to present a section of theological interpretation of each verse so that together we can scrutinize the Holy Scriptures and understand the background of the text and its comprehension is complete.

Love Bible Quotes

What is love? Why love? Why are we loved? These and other questions are usually answered in the Bible.

It seems incredible that in just one book we are told its true meaning. But if we are to be honest, the second name in the Bible should be love. From Genesis to Revelation we find that out of love it all happened.

This short word happens to be the main theme of the Holy Scriptures. By love we were created, by love we were forgiven and by love the promise of redemption was born. Therefore, we believe that these verses of love will be a great blessing to you.

Old Testament Bible verses

We will publish all the verses of the Old Testament. It is essential to know them because they tell the beginning of everything. We find the answers to the Origin of life on Earth, the creation of humanity, its fall and the promise of redemption.

It tells part of the story of why Satan exists and why his rebellion led to the expulsion of a third of the angels and the battle that took place in Heaven for power and greed on the part of Lucifer.

All the verses of historical, prophetic, poetic books are published, in short, all the books that make up the Old Testament you will find them here.

New Testament Bible verses

You will also find different Bible verses related to the New Testament. In fact, you will find all the verses of the New Testament ordered by book, by subject and by random.

The main idea is that you can find the text you are looking for. There are all the gospels, prophetic books, in short, the whole New Testament ready to be read and shared for free.

Knowing the origin of the Bible


It comes from the Latin bible and the Greek expression τὰ βιβλία τὰ ἅγια which means sacred books, coined in the first book of Maccabees where it says that βιβλία comes from the plural of βιβλία and it is believed that its name was born as a diminutive of the name in the city of Byblos, an important marketplace full of ancient papyri.

However, knowing that Byblos could hardly be a loan of the original name of the city in Phoenician, Gubla, with the possibility that it was the city that received its Greek name from the term that was designated the papyrus plant and not the opposite.

Expression used by the Hellenized Hebrews who lived in cities with Greek language long before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, in order to refer to the Tanakh or Old Testament. Years later it was used by Christians to refer to the body of books of the Old Testament, in addition to the Gospels and the Apostolic Letters.

As a title it began to be used in Latin biblia sacra as it did not exist in Latin, but as the bible was a bodybuilding it was considered a pyral neuter as a singular feminine, the Holy Bible, understanding that its own name was a set, Through Latin was derived most of the languages that have been translated today.




The Bible is the compilation of texts that were separate documents first written in Hebrew, Aramaic and Greek in the extended period, but which were later brought together to form the Tanakh which is the Old Testament and then the New Testament. These testaments made up what was called the Bible. These books were written over a period of 1,000 years between 900 B.C. and 100 A.D.

The oldest texts are those found in the Book of Judges of Deborah’s Song, in sources E of the Eohist tradition and J of the Yahweh tradition of the Torah called Pentateuch for Christians, which are dated to the time of the kingdoms from the 10th to 7th century B.C. The oldest book is that of Hosea which is found at the same time.

The entire Jewish people identifies the Bible as the Tanakh for which it is meaningless and the Old Testament is not accepted as the New Testament is not valid.

The canon of the Bible was sanctioned by the Catholic Church that was in the domain of St. Damascus I within the Synod of Rome in the year 392, a version that was translated into Latin by Jerome of Stridon.

A canon that consists of 73 books which are 46 constitutive books of the Old Testament, which includes 7 Deuterocanonical books where we find Tobit, Maccabees I, Maccabees II, Judith, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus and Baruch.

They have been contested by Protestants and Jews. In addition to 27 of the New Testament that were confirmed by the Council of Hippo in the year 393, ratified by the Council III in the year 397 and in 419 by the IV Council of Carthage.

When Protestant reformers challenged it, the Catholic Canon was confirmed by the dogmatic declaration defined by the fourth session of the Council of Treto on April 8, 1546.

Each of the doctrinal definitions of the Council of Trent were neither recognized nor assumed by Protestants, who emerged in the 16th century, nor by denominations of Protestantism in the 19th century.

The canon of the Orthodox Christian Bibles is broader than the Catholic biblical canon by including Psalm 51, Manasseh’s Prayer, Book III of Ezra and Book III of Maccabees. Additional are Book IV of Ezra and Book IV of Maccabees.

The Old Testament tells the story of the Hebrews and the New Testament tells the life, death and resurrection of Jesus, a message and the story of the early Christians. The New Testament was written in Koine Greek where the Old Testament is quoted with the Seventies version with the Greek translation in the Old Testament by Alexandria of Egypt in the third century BC.

For all believers the Word of God is of divided inspiration even though they were men who realized it, being used by their faculties as true authors.

A spiritual work where the believers interpret the way in which God had to reveal Himself and thus manifest the will of salvation for Humanity. The Bible has become the main source of faith and doctrine in Christ.

During the 16th century the different movements of the Protestant Reformation began to experience a high level of wear and tear in philosophical discussions when they separated from each other. To calm this problem it was defined as sola escritura, which means that the Bible is considered to be the source of Christian doctrine.

Furthermore, for the Catholic Church, in addition to the Bible, tradition, decisions emanating from the Councils and the teachings of the Church Fathers as disciples of the apostles are also sources of doctrine.

A divergence among Christians that intensified after 1870 when Pope Pius IX promulgated the constitution Pastor Aeternus of the First Vatican Council, in which he reaffirmed the papal primacy by proclaiming the infallibility of the supreme pontiff in different matters of faith, Christian doctrine and morals as regards the only successor of Peter.

However, Protestant Christians completely reject this assertion and consider Jesus Christ to be a head of the church.

For both parties it is a difference that is not only considered in philosophical or religious terms, but also as divine stunned and seated within the same Bible.

Now for the orthodox Jews the New Testament has no validity, while rabbinical Judaism considers the Talmud as its only doctrinal source and the caraites since the seventh century defend the Tanakh as their only source of faith.

Old and New Testament

The Christian Old Testament canon was used in the Greek Septuagint with original traditions and books, in addition to its various lists of texts. Christianity later added different writings that became the New Testament.

In the 4th century different synods were elaborated in lists of sacred writings that focused on fixing an Old Testament canon between 46 and 54 different documents and a New Testament canon from 20 to 27, used until today and defined at the Council of Hippo in the year 393.

Hieronymus in the year 400 wrote a definitive Latin edition of the Bible in the Canon, because Pope Damasus insisted on coinciding with different decisions of the Synods that met earlier.

With regard to the retrospective it can be added that the different processes were effectively established in the New Testament canon, despite the fact that there are different examples of canonical lists afterwards. But the definitive list is of 27 books that was legitimated until the Council of Trent in the years 1545 to 1963.

In the Protestant Reformation different canonical reformers made known several lists where their usefulness is found in St. Peter’s Church in Rome. Although not without debate is a list of the books of the New Testament are the same, but in the Old Testament different texts in the Septuagint were removed from most Protestant canons.

Therefore, in a Catholic context these books were called deuterocanonical, but in a Protestant context they are called apocryphal books which are excluded from the biblical canon of the Septuagint.

So, the Old Testament has 39 books, but the number varies from the number of books in the Tanakh by the method of division. In addition, the order and name of the books varies, while Catholics recognize 46 books as the canonical Old Testament.

The Ethiopian Orthodox Church accepts the book of Enoch in the Old Testament canon. The term Hebrew Scriptures is synonymous with the Old Testament has the Hebrew Scriptures and texts that are additional.

In relation to the New Testament canon there are 27 books for the Catholic Church, where most of the churches of the Reformation also accept it. For the Syrian Church only 22 books of the canon are accepted, and for the Orthodox Catholic Apostolic Church there are several books that have become the subject of disputes because they are canonized, among which are the first and second books of Clement, the Book of the Covenant, the Octave and other books.


The Bible is an established group of scriptures where the Book of Psalms with 150 songs is found, while the Epistle of Jude is only half a page.

The Hebrew Bible, or Tanakh, has three sections containing the five books of Moses, the books written by the Hebrew prophets, and books that do not fall into the above categories, known as the hagiography or the Scriptures.

The Jewish Bible was written in Hebrew, but in different parts it was written in Aramaic. In the Christian Bible, the Hebrew Bible is known as the Old Testament to distinguish it from the New Testament, where the life of Jesus and his preaching are known.

The New Testament is divided into four gospels the story that refers to the Acts of the Apostles, the letters to the Christian churches by Paul and the Revelation.

It may be added that the Christian Bible sets out the entire Tanakh along with several later Christian texts, which are known as the New Testament. In Christianity, there is no complete agreement about the exact number of books that should be arranged to the Old Testament, that is, about its canon.

It was not until the sixteenth century that the Latin translation of St. Jerome was maintained in the West, which was known as the Vulgate that disposes of the canon and the writings of the Greek Septuagint.

With the Protestant Reformation, Martin Luther began to question the need to keep the books apocryphal with the Jewish canon, so he grouped them together as an edifying appendix at the end of the translation into his German within the Bible.

Although confirmed by the Catholic Church, the canon of the Bible of the Seventy and the Vulgate at the Council of Trent from 1545 to 1563 more clearly recognized the canonicity of different scriptures that were questioned by Luther, so from that century onwards they began to be called deuterocanonical.

For their part, the Eastern churches likewise recognized the full canocity of the Deuterocanonicals, but added other books that are in the ancient codices such as Psalm 151, Manasseh’s Prayer, III and IV Ezra, and III and IV Maccabees. The Coptic Church accepted within its canon the Book of Enoch and the Book of Jubilees.

Within the New Testament, the deuterocanonical books are referred to as the Book of Enoch and the events of Christ’s passion are made known in relation to the counting in the Book of Jubilees. The rest of the books are undisputed and are found in the New Testament.

Biblical Canons

Canon means rule or measure, so the biblical canon is the set of books that are integrated into the Bible according to the particular religious tradition, which is considered to be divinely inspired and different from other texts that are irrelevant.

The only differences within the different branches of Christianity are found for the Old Testament, for the Catholic Church it is 46 books and for the Protestant churches it is 39.

The first canon is found in the Pentateuch which is composed of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, each of which has the Law of God which is a set of 613 precepts of Judaism.

In Judaism a dispute arises regarding the correct canon, this is because a religious group known as the Sadducees claim that they only conform to the Torah or Pentateuch in the canon of the Scriptures, while several groups include the Nevi’m and the Ketuvim.

After Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 A.D. the group of the Pharisees considered the canon to be made up of the Law, Prophets and the Writings. Thus at the end of the first century Judaism established Yamnia as the canon of the holy books by fulfilling three requirements: a copy of the book in question that was written before 300 B.C., that the copy was written in Hebrew or at least in Aramaic and that it had a message inspired or directed to the people of God.

Within the time of Jesus of Nazareth, the second option is called, and is therefore held and passed on by various Christians until the time of the Protestant Reformation, with controversy over the deuterocanonical books.

A controversy that originated because Judaism established a canon at the end of the first century, where the texts that were in Greek were not present. Each of these books was later considered to be deuterocanonical.

In relation to the Jewish version of the Bible known as the Tanakh, it has a total of 24 books with several differences from the Christian Bibles, among which are

  • Names of several books: Exodus for the original Shemot and Leviticus for Va-yikra.
  • Subdivided into three sections.
  • Torah: like the Law, the Pentateuch.
  • Nevi’im: earlier prophets like Joshua, Judges, Samuel and Kings, and later prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and minor prophets.
  • Ketuvim: writings like Psalms, Proverbs, Daniel and the other books.

Order of the books

At present the books that are left out of the canonical by Catholics and Orthodox are called apocryphal books, which are usually called pseudo-epigraphs by Protestants, who respect the name of Deuterocanonics that receive canonical recognition from both Catholics and Orthodox.

However, different Protestant currents still insist on keeping the name apocryphal for such books. It should be noted that the first Christians used the Septuagint or the LXX and not the Hebrew Bible, this by pointing out that they were Jews from the Rift culture such as Paul of Tarsus, St. Sebastian, St. Luke the Evangelist and St. Mark the Evangelist.

The Catholic versions of the Bible have 73 writings, but the Protestant versions have 66 books. The Bibles of the Anabaptists, Anglicans, Lutherans and Episcopalians, however, have the Deuterocanonicals under the heading of apocrypha as they are considered edifying reading, but not canonical.

For their part, the Orthodox versions consist of 76 books in total. The Coptic Church has in its canon of the Old Testament with the Book of Enoch and Book of Jubilees, very popular in the time of Christ. The Syrian church reduces the number of the canon by accepting only 22 from the New Testament.

Christian Bible

Each of the Christian Bibles is made up of Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek writings, which have been taken from the Greek Bible called the Septuagint, from the Tenach in Hebrew-Aramaic, and then regrouped under the name of the Old Testament. Various Christian groups have debated the inclusion and exclusion of various books from both Testaments, as a number of both apocryphal and deuterocanonical concepts have emerged.

The Jewish community currently reserves the term Christian Bible in order to identify the different books that have been added to the Tenach in Hebrew-Aramaic, by late Hellenistic Alephandrine Judaism and later by Christianity and tries to avoid referring to its Tanakh as the terms of the Bible or Old Testament.

Different Christian denominations have incorporated a number of books into the canon of the two Testaments.

Old Testament

The Old Testament is the series of sacred Israelite texts before Christ that is accepted by Christians as the first part of the Christian Bible.

In general terms there is no general consensus among Christian groups regarding the Old Testament canon as corresponding to the Greek Bible, including deuterocanonicals, which the Orthodox and Catholic churches raise through their history or the Hebrew Tanakh, which is raised by the Acting Jews, different Protestants and several Christian groups.

In the Old Testament a total of 39 books are numbered in the Protestant version, 46 in the Catholic Church version and 51 in the Orthodox Church version. But both the names, the order and the partitions of the books of the Christian Bibles, throughout history, continue with the Greek usage and not the Hebrew.

Likewise, it is varied in relation to Judaism in terms of interpretation and emphasis. Likewise, the books of the Greek text of the Bible, in relation to the canon of the church, admit different books such as Enoch and the Book of Jubilees.

New Testament

The New Testament is a collection of a total of 27 books representing the four Jewish-Christian literary genres within which they are found:

  • 4 gospels.
  • 1 book of Acts.
  • 19 epistles: which are divided into 6 Catholic or Apostolic epistles, 13 Pauline epistles, and a 14th Pauline epistle. They belong to the essayistic or doctotratadistic genre, which are doctrinal treatises.
  • The main figure in the epistles is Jesus of Nazareth, Christ. Almost all Christians have taken the New Testament as an inspired and sacred text. But for the Catholic Church there are 27 books as well as the Protestant churches, something different from the Orthodox Christian Church by accepting only 22 books by including the First and Second Books of Clement, Book of the Covenant, the Octave and others.
  • 1 Revelation.



Preservation and integrity of the Bible

There are several divided opinions regarding the claim that a large part of the Bible is preserved with important changes until today, at present the common belief in almost most of Christianity assumes that the infallibility or inerrancy of the biblical text, because the Bible is free from all error, being perfect as the word of God.

A concept very similar to the doctrine of the only scriptural, held by Catholics, Anglicans, Orthodox and many Protestant denominations.

As a note by Alister E. McGrath the reformers observed no connection regarding the issue of inspiration with the absolute ease or true inerrancy of the different texts, adding: «the development of the ideas of infallibility or inerrancy in Protestantism may be traced to the United States in the mid-nineteenth century.

Each of the proponents of the ideal that the scriptures of the Bible are faithful is based on the number of identical copies that have been made since ancient times. The Hebrew copyists of the Scriptures are known as masoreta, who copied the Hebrew Scriptures between the sixth and tenth centuries, so they counted the letters to avoid any error.

People who disagree with these claims appeal to foreign language translations, copying manuscripts, divergent views on dogma or deliberate destruction, and further claim that the Bible does not come as a complete volume.

Findings such as the Dead Sea manuscripts show that it happened in the first century of this era, even though the texts found and known have undergone minor changes. In the cases of the apocryphal Gospels they were discarded from the accepted canon in the canon of ecumenical councils, as a fundamental part of maintaining doctrinal integrity.

The different cases such as that of the leadership of the text of the Gospel of Thomas found in the Nag Hammadi Manuscripts, like others formed by heretics, are clear evidence of a gradual editorial process in past times.

There are other relevant texts in relation to the original Bible such as the apocryphal writings found in Egypt and the West Bank, and even in distant countries in the South and East. Each of these has set a new question in relation to its completeness in biblical canon, as it has the pattern of being revised in a detailed way.

Biblical Archaeology

The different archaeological investigations in the area where the events narrated in the Bible took place have an added result to the verification of the facts, places and characters that are cited in the different books within the Bible.

It is even believed that the term «biblical archaeology» focuses on the archaeological part that studies each one of the places indicated in its development. There are several cases where archaeological discoveries point to congruencies with the facts or characters in the Bible, finding the following:

King Sargon of Syria: a character that appears in Isaiah 20:1 was confirmed until the ruins of his palace were discovered in 1843. Finding writings that relate the conquests of cities in Samaria and Ashdod.

Jehoiakim, King of Judah: the discovery of the tablets of Babylon confirmed the existence of the king and his five sons who appear in the Second Book of Kings and the First Book of Chronicles.

Seal of Yehujal: in 2005 the archaeologist Eilat Mazar discovered one of the clay seals on which Yehujal, one of the Jewish officials named in the book of Jeremiah, was named.

Findings in Nineveh: inside Sennacherib’s palace there is a bas-relief that reveals the Assyrian troops that were taking the Israelites captive after the fall of Lachish, as described in the Second Book of Kings.

Cyrus’ cylinder: it was found in Sippar near Baghdad. It tells of the conquest of Babylon by Cyrus the Great, seen in Isaiah 13:1, 17-19 and Isaiah 44:26-53:3 where the prophecy of Cyrus’ destruction of Babylon is found. Cyrus’ policy of letting the deported peoples return to their land of origin, as with the Israelites, is also exposed.

Similarly, archaeology provides a series of findings of great importance in relation to the shaping of the biblical texts. Each of the discoveries in the Gospel of Thomas and the Gospel of Philip, forced the Hypothesis of Q.

Few scholars claim that the Gospel of Thomas is older than the four canons and that, like Matthew and Luke, it had Q as its documentary source. Those who support the hypothesis of the Source Q, each of the oldest gospels would be a collection of the sayings of Jesus by not narrating the crucifixion not resurrection, but his concern to keep the record of each of the teachings of the Master.

Biblical review

Biblical review is the study and research of the biblical writings that focuses on discerning judgments about the writings. It looks at biblical texts with a human origin rather than a supernatural one, asking when and where each text originated.

How, by whom, why, for whom and the circumstances that produced it, in addition to the influences that exist within its production, the sources that are used in its composition and the message that is intended to be transmitted.

It varies according to its focus on the Old Testament, New Testament letters or the canonical Gospels and also plays an important role in the search for the historical Jesus.

 In addition, it refers to the physical text where the meaning of each of the palaces is included and the way in which each one is used, its history, integrity and preservation. In fact, biblical criticism is a discipline that encompasses subjects such as archaeology, anthropology, linguistics, folklore, evangelical oral traditions and religious studies.

The Bible and different languages

Each of the books was initially written in several languages, called biblical languages. At different times, each of them was translated into other languages and later into the others. Among the languages in which the Bibles are found are the following.

Hebrew Bible

Hebrew or Hebraic Bible is a generic term that refers to the books of the Bible written in the original Hebrew and Aramaic form. It conforms to the Jewish concept of Tanakh and to Old Testament Christianity, but does not include the deuterocanonical parts of the Old Testament and the orthodox Anagignoskomena.

The term Hebrew Bible does not imply any kind of denomination, numbering or ordering that is variable. Within scholarly study today it is common to refer to the three editions of the so-called Hebrew Bible edited by Rudolf Kittel, a context often found in the abbreviation BH or BHK. 

The first two editions appeared between 1906 and 1913 with a slight difference between the two. The second edition was printed several times and the Hebrew text was reproduced in the third edition when it was replaced by the Stuttgartensia Hebrew Bible.

Greek Bible

The Greek Bible is commonly called the Septuagint Bible or Bible of the Seventy and is generally abbreviated LXX, as it is a Koine Greek translation of the older Hebrew and Aramaic texts that were later settled from the Hebrew-Aramaic text of the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible. It represents a synthesis that emphasizes Jewish and Israelite monotheism, as well as the universalistic character of its ethics.

The Septuagint Bible was a text used by Jewish communities throughout the ancient world, far beyond Judea, and later by the early Christian church, both in speech and in Greek culture.

In fact, the partitioning, classification, order and names of the Old Testament books in the Christian Bibles do not come from the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible (Orthodox Christians in the East, Protestants and Catholics in the West), but from the Jewish and Christian codices of the Septuagint.

Latin Bible

The Latin versions of the Bible or Latin Bible are those translations found in the Latin Bible. Find the following:

Old Itala or Vetus Latina

It comes from the Septuagint or Seventies Version for most of the Old Testament books and from the Greek originals for the New Testament books. It was found in use during the Western Roman Empire from the 2nd to the 5th century. It was not a direct translation from Hebrew.


At the end of the 4th century Pope Damasus I commissioned St. Jerome to make a Latin version using the ancient Itala version. A version that follows the Hebrew texts, which was definitively imposed in the 7th century. The term Vulgate refers to Vulgara editio.


In the Protestant Reformation, Theodore Beza produced a Latin version of the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Apocryphal Gospels. Because of the low demand for Latin Bibles among Protestants, his translation did not reach a large audience, so his text and exegetical notes influenced the Geneva Bible.


It is the same Vulgate version to which they incorporated advances and discoveries according to the places. The last version was approved by the papacy in 1979, where a reference version for other languages is found.

Bible Translations

The different translations of the Bible are numerous as they are presented in 450 languages in a complete form and 2,000 in a partial form, making the Bible the most translated book in history. Several of them have been transcendental for the good development of languages and cultures as they were.

The first translations began in the vast period in which the books were written, that is, the Masoretic text in Hebrew, the Tárgum in Aramaic and the translation into Greek as the Bible of the Seventy, making the original texts that make up the Hebrew Bible of Judaism.

Each of the texts of the New Testament were written directly in Greek, a version used in much of Eastern Christianity, in addition to translations of the Bible into the Slavic languages and others in various ancient linguistic areas such as: Diatessaron of Tacian in Syriac, Ethiopian and Coptic translations and the Codex Argentues of the Goth Ulfilas in the 6th century.

Although there are earlier translations called Vetus Latina, the translation of St. Jerome into Latin was very dominant in Western Christianity that went as far as the Protestant Reformation and continued in Catholicism until the Contemporary Age.

The philosophical criticism of humanism was always seeking to obtain different refined translations, such as: the Complutensian polyglot Bible that was promoted by Cardinal Cisneros from 1514 to 1522, then by Beza in 1565 to 1604, the Royal Bible or Antwerp Polyglot by Arias Montano from 1668 to 1572.

In the Golden Age of Islam between the 7th and 12th centuries there were translations of the Bible into Arabic, in the Near East and in Muslim Spain. But at the end of the Middle Ages, total or partial translations of the Bible appeared in the different Romance and Germanic languages.

These first translations of the Bible into Spanish are known as pre-Alphaistos, they belong to the Alphonsine Bible and were incorporated into the General History of Alfonso X the Wise. During the same period, the first translation of the Bible into Portuguese was produced, known as the Don Dinis Bible, and the first translation of the Bible into Catalan, known as the Montjeich Bible.

The Valencian Bible by Conifacio Ferrer was one of the first books printed in Spain in 1478, but years before that, in 1471, the first Bible printed in Italian appeared in a translation by Nicoló Malermi.

The highlight of the German Bible translations was the result of Martin Luther in 1521 and 1534. Related to the English Bible translations are the Tyndale in 1525-1536 and the King James in 1611. The Queen Valera was the most used by Spanish Protestants from 1565 to 1602.

In 1571 Joanes Leizarraga translated the New Testament into Basque. In addition, several of the Spanish Catholic missionaries during the 16th century translated the Bible into the American languages, such as Bernardino de Sahagún who partially translated it into Nahuatl, but in 1575 the form of evangelization that it had was prohibited by the Inquisition.


  • The number of words in the Bible varies according to version and language, ranging from 773,692 to 783,137.
  • The Orthodox Bible has 1,347 chapters, the Catholic Bible 1,329 and the Protestant Bible 1189,260, of which the New Testament is included.
  • The last book in the Bible is the Revelation of John, but the last one written was the Gospel of John.
  • The shortest chapter of the Bible is Psalm 117 as it has only 2 verses and the longest is Psalm 119 with 176 verses.
  • The shortest book of the Bible is the Second Epistle of John with 13 verses, then the Third Epistle of John with 15 verses, the Book of Obadiah with 21 verses and the Epistle of Judas with 25 verses.
  • The shortest verses in the bible are Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, and Jesus wept. The longest verse is: Then were the king’s scribes called in the third month, which is Sivan, on the twenty-third day of that month; and it was written according to all that Mordecai commanded, to the Jews, and the satraps, and the captains, and the rulers of the provinces, from India even to Ethiopia, to the hundred twenty-seven provinces; to every province according to its writing, and to every people according to their language, and also to the Jews according to their writing and their language.
  • The Bible to this day is the best-selling book of all time and also the most translated.